Baseline Surveys

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Baseline surveys are important ways that always inform the organization on various aspects regarding their normal operations. The surveys also improve compliance, if indicated, and develops further support and growth potential. We are proud to have the capacity to undertake various surveys as outlined below:

Employee Satisfaction Survey

We Excel Wise Consultants Limited acknowledge that the key objective of employee satisfaction survey are to measure and understand employees’ attitude opinions, motivation and satisfaction in order to create a happier workplace and provide management with the knowledge and tools to build positive employee relations.

We Excel Wise Consultants Limitedrecognize that Customer satisfaction survey consists of a series of items that are designed to elicit customer perceptions. Customer satisfaction measurement has a critical role in informing service improvement. It allows an organization to understand what its customers’ value, how values vary between different types of customers, and where the organization can take action to improve service delivery.

Work Environment Survey

Our main objective in this kind of survey is to determine the work environment status prevailing at your organization in relation to the Physical work environment, immediate surroundings of the work place including social, psychological, environmental and ergonomic factors.


We Excel Wise Consultants Limited recognize this kind of surveys always calls for clear understanding and developing ways to establish employees’ HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude and practices in workplace.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Alcohol and drug abuse by employees cause many expensive problems for business and industry ranging from lost productivity, injuries, and an increase the health insurance claims. We comprehend that the Key objective is to establish alcohol and drug abuse awareness and prevalence rate in the organization

Disabling Mainstreaming

We Excel Wise Consultants Limited understand that the key objective of disability mainstreaming involves assessing adequacy of disability interventions, the current state of mainstreaming of disability issues and infrastructure for PWDs. We also identify training that will be useful to further build the capacity of organization’s staff to facilitate in undertaking disability focused activities thus provide effective recommendations to mainstream Disability in the workplace.

Environmental Sustainability

At Excel Wise Consultants Limited we do determine the level of employee knowledge and attitude towards environmental conservation and sustainability as per applicable regulations and policies (mostly EMCA 1999)

Gender and Gender Based Violence at Workplace

We acknowledge that the key objective Gender and gender based violence at workplace is to assess the level of prevalence of discrimination against both gender and gender based violence at workplace and knowledge and attitude of the employees on the provision of the constitution on matters relating to gender.

Automation Survey

We also clearly understand that the main objective in Automation survey in work place is to establish the extent of literacy and gather and analyze data with regard to use of ICT, we do make possible links between ICT Systems awareness and utilization as well as establish the level of satisfaction of the ICT Customer / User.

a) Establish the extent of Literacy among the Authority’s employees
b) Gather data with regard to use of Information Systems.
c) Make possible links between ICT Systems awareness and utilization.
d) Identify a mechanism for the improvement of Literacy levels at the organization.
e) Establish the level of satisfaction of the ICT Customer / User.

Curruption Perception Survey
Due to corruption prevalence in almost all sectors, Excel Wise Consultants Limited uses specific instruments which are able to solicit Corruption Perceptions Index on employees perceived levels of corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys. This involved the identification of Organization’s employees. Sample size is then drawn from lists provided. Excel Wise Consultants Limited applies Random sampling method to arrive at the achieved sample size. The respondents are then given equal opportunity to participate in the survey within the survey data collection timeframe. In this type of survey we collect Quantitative data using Corruption Perception questionnaires while qualitative data is obtained by short clarification interviews/discussions with respondents during data collection to validate responses to the questionnaire. Secondary information are obtained from the website and previous reports.